LIFE, ANIMATED is the real-life story of Owen Suskind, the son of the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Ron Suskind and his wife, Cornelia. An autistic boy who couldn’t speak for years, Owen memorized dozens of Disney movies, turned them into a language to express love and loss, kinship, brotherhood. The family was forced to become animated characters, communicating with him in Disney dialogue and song. Until they all emerge, together, revealing how, in darkness, we all literally need stories to survive.
LIFE, ANIMATED, the documentary, is based on Ron Suskind’s best-selling book, “Life Animated: a story of Sidekicks, Heroes and Autism.”
Director: Roger Ross Williams
Producers: Julie Goldman, Roger Ross Williams
Executive Producers: Molly Thompson, Robert Debitetto, Robert Sharenow
Editor: David Teague
Cinematographer: Tom Bergmann
Co-Producers: Carolyn Hepburn, Chris Clements
Original Music by: Dylan Stark, T. Griffin
Score Produced by: T. Griffin
Executive Producer: Ron Suskind
Original Animation: Mac Guff
Sundance Film Festival: 2016 Premiere
Sundance Film Festival: 2016 Sundance Directing Award for U.S. Documentary
Full Frame Documentary Film Festival: 2016 Audience Award
San Francisco International Film Featival: 2016 Audience Award
Nantucket Film Festival: 2016 Audience Award
Telluride Mountainfilm: 2016 Audience Award
2017 Academy Award Nominee for Best Documentary Feature
2017 Annie Awards’ Special Achievement Award
2018 Emmy Award Winner: Best Documentary
2018 Emmy Award Winner: Outstanding Arts and Culture Documentary
2018 Emmy Award Winner: Outstanding Editing: Documentary